(Cannabidiol) CBD boasts the capacity to offer its “assistive hand” to men’s physical and mental well-being. The industry is an ever-evolving, constantly growing one with research persisting in gaining insight into the real long-term efficacy.
That relates to the treatment of physical ailments and includes mental wellness as well. Learn the benefits of CBD as it pertains to men’s health at https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/11/10-benefits-that-using-cbd-oil-has-on-mens-health/
The cannabinoid derives from cannabis plants, either hemp or marijuana, with non-intoxicating properties, instead leaning towards the therapeutic spectrum.
The compound has its effects due to its interaction with the “ECS” or “endocannabinoid system,” responsible for bringing the body into a state of homeostasis or balancing the primary systems within the body like pain sensation or mood regulation.
The result of the interaction is supposed to be positive health effects that can possibly mean a reduction in stress and a sense of calm for the mind. There is also the potential for increases in the production of anandamide with the possibility of helping alleviate illness.
Does that mean CBD is a cure for mental illnesses, conditions, disorders, and diseases? No. Does it mean the cannabinoid has the potential for assisting with some of the symptoms associated with mental health conditions? Possibly.
Benefits Of CBD For Men’s Mental Health
(Quote from the US Mental Health site) – “Mental health includes psychological, emotional, and social wellness. It will affect the way we feel, think, and behave.
It can also determine the way in which people relate to others, handle stress, and make choices. Mental well-being is essential for each stage in life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.” (End quote)
Men generally fly under the radar with their mental health, with most keeping their conditions under wraps until the situation becomes overwhelming.
Depression, anxiety, stress, and many other mental health disorders are increasing in prevalence, including in the male population, with the suggestion that cannabidiol has the potential for assisting symptoms associated with some of the conditions. Let’s look at these.
● Reduction in stress
Heavy episodes of mental and physical stress can lead to general health concerns but can also lead to mental unwellness, including depression. It’s vital to find ways to decrease stress as much as possible to assist with relieving depression.
Studies have shown that cannabidiol has “anti-stress properties with consistent dosing in a controlled environment.” These studies have also demonstrated the possibility that CBD can help with symptoms of clinical disorders like “OCD” or “obsessive-compulsive disorder” and “PTSD” or “post-traumatic stress disorder.”
When men become involved in a regular wellness program set up by their primary care physician, complete with a physical fitness regimen, wholesome diet, and possibly CBD when given in a consistent dose, there is the potential to reduce stress levels.
● Lowering anxiety levels
Anxiousness is another contributor to a depressive state. A constant state of restlessness, excitement, episodes of panic, and other symptoms can eventually cause an individual to become depressed if treatment is neglected.
In many cases, because men choose to ignore their symptomatology, they simultaneously suffer from depression and anxiety. CBD boasts anxiolytic properties making the cannabinoid an effective tool for assisting with symptoms associated with anxiety.
While there have been studies showing positive results, the suggestion is that many clinical trials are still needed to support the compound’s efficacy with this condition.
● Sleeping / mood stabilization
Men tend to work long hours with the likelihood of staying on their electronic devices after coming home. Looking on the screen until all hours blocks melatonin production disallowing adequate sleep patterns. See here how men can involve themselves in self-care.
These disturbances in sleep will adversely affect mental wellness, especially leading to depression which ironically can cause its victims to lose sleep. Sleep is a critical component in maintaining a stable foundation for mental well-being.
Cannabidiol boasts the capacity to potentially minimize uneasiness and restlessness along with the problem of an overactive mind, in turn assisting with the relaxation necessary for a healthy night of rest.
Many CBD products, as shown on Cheefbotanicals’ website, are meant to promote healthy sleep with the directive to consume roughly two hours before lights out, so there’s time to come to the point of calm.
Cannabidiol And the Mental Health Professional
Cannabidiol has not been designated as any sort of treatment for a mental health disorder, nor is it deemed a cure for an illness or disorder. The compound is a cannabinoid still undergoing much clinical research to determine its efficacy.
While studies are showing positive results in many situations, researchers are making it clear that clinical trials are still vital to make concrete determinations, especially in the case of anxiety and depression.
For those suffering from mental health unwellness, it’s vital to first reach out to a primary care physician who can then refer you to the appropriate mental health provider.
You want to avoid attempting to self-treat without having an adequate diagnosis for your symptoms. You could be doing yourself a grave disservice. Contact your doctor.
Final Thought
Many men go untreated for mental health issues primarily because a lot of them believe they have everything under control. Unfortunately, in most cases, these individuals are in denial about their stress levels, often off the charts.
Stress is a primary contributor to not only general health but mental unwellness, especially episodes of depression. Stress can also cause men to become incredibly anxious, another leading cause of depression.
Finding ways to destress is critical, as is seeking treatment when the stress has gotten out of hand, and your mental health has been affected.