A hernia is one of the most embarrassing conditions that you cannot wish to experience. It causes massive pain and a bulgy appearance due to the extra pressure from bending or lifting heavy objects. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor if you are experiencing signs like persistent pain, muscle weakness, and physical strain. If you cannot secure one, do not worry because a hernia surgeon Astoria is here to help. Identifying which type of hernias you have is important to facilitate effective treatment. This article presents a complete guide to the most common types of hernias.
Inguinal Hernia
This type of Hernia occurs when a small part of the bowel pokes through the abdominal wall into the groin region. Sometimes it may comprise some parts of the intestine. The direct inguinal develops from a weak spot originating in the lower muscles of your abdomen. Alternatively, the indirect inguinal develops from the inguinal canal failing to close properly before birth. Inguinal hernias are more common in men than in women.
Femoral Hernia
A femoral hernia appears in the upper-most thigh area near the groin area. It results from the bowel pushing through a weak spot in the abdomen. It is dangerous because it can prevent the blood from getting to the herniated bowel. Contrary to inguinal hernias, they are more popular in women, mainly older women, due to the wider shape of the female pelvis. Some likely complications include obstruction (the bowel is stuck in the femoral canal) and strangulation, where the bowel is stuck and its blood supply is blocked.

Incisional Hernia
It typically occurs whenever a tissue pokes from a region of a surgical scar that is still healing. Even though they contribute to minimal severe problems than other types, you will require surgery to address the problem. During the healing period, you should avoid energetic activity and significant weight gain because they may cause stress on the healing tissue.
Epigastric Hernia
Epigastric Hernia happens when tissue protrudes over the abdominal wall between the breastbone and belly button. It may also occur when there is a problem with maintaining your abdominal muscle from joining together correctly. This Hernia does not disappear independently; thus, it requires surgery. Surgery is recommended for adults and infants because it can enlarge, leading to extra problems and pain if not treated.
Umbilical Hernia
Umbilical Hernia occurs near the belly of the infant. They develop whenever a part of the intestine loop pokes through a tiny opening in the abdominal muscle. It may be present when an infant cries, leading the belly button to obtrude. Moreover, it develops a soft swelling around the navel, which may be noticeable when they cough or strain. You should contact your healthcare provider when the infant seems to be in pain, has started vomiting, or has tenderness in the hernia area.

If you suspect hernia symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately to prevent experiencing enlarging of the Hernia and pain. If you are a candidate stuck in a clinic offering effective treatment, worry no more because of Surgical Specialists of NY in Astoria, New York. The center comprises a team of surgical experts providing quick, surgical treatment utilizing robotic-assisted technology to facilitate maximum accuracy. Call a nearby office or book online to request an appointment today to get started.