Your face contains one of the most delicate features of your body. Therefore, it is normal for you to try and protect your facial features in the occurrence of injury or accident. Your ear, throat, and nose are all interconnected via multiple passageways. This makes conditions that affect them related or closely associated with each other. This has thus enhanced the development of specialists like a Surprise facial plastic surgeon. More about these specialists and what they do is discussed in detail below.
Who is an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor?
These doctors are commonly referred to as otolaryngologists or ENTs. You see an ENT if you have any issues affecting your neck or head. These physicians handle issues affecting your nose, ear, or throat, not excluding areas around your neck and head.
ENTs can be able to perform surgery and deal with various medical issues. Reasons to visit an otolaryngologist include:
· Nasal conditions like sinusitis, allergies, or growths
· Ear conditions like infection, trouble with balance, or hearing loss
· Sleep problems such as obstructive sleep apnea or snoring that involve narrow airways being blocked, interrupting breathing patterns as you sleep
· Tumors or infections of the neck or head
Training of these specialists involves four years of medical school first. This is followed by at least five years of undergoing special training. A certifiable exam by the relevant boards is the final step. Some various areas that these physicians have specialties include:

Facial and Reconstructive surgery
This involves performing cosmetic surgeries like nose jobs and facelifts. Their patients are primarily born with issues that require fixing or those whose facial features have been affected by injury or accidents.
Environmental allergies like pet dander or pollen are treated with medicines or a series of immunology shots. They can also diagnose various food allergies.
These physicians deal with injuries and diseases involving your vocal cords and voice box. Swallowing problems may also be diagnosed and treated.
Head and Neck
This specialist may handle your sinuses, nose, throat, mouth, upper esophagus, or voice box tumors.
Pediatric ENT
These physicians are specially trained to treat children with rooms and tools that put kids at ease enough to say what’s bothering them.
Pediatric ENTs also treat children with neck and head congenital disabilities. They may also assist in diagnosing language or speech problems.

Neurotology and Otology
Conditions of your ears that these doctors deal with include hearing loss, infections, dizziness, and buzzing or ringing in your ears.
Sleep Medicine
Some ENTs may deal with sleep problems that come from breathing, like sleep apnea or snoring. This may be through a sleep study organized by your doctor. This will enable them to determine if and how much you have difficulty breathing as you sleep.
Allergies, asthma, ear infections, and tonsillitis are some of the common problems treated by ENTs. Most ENTs perform most facial plastic surgeries involving the ear, throat, or nose. This can benefit patients as the physicians have backgrounds in surgery when treating their issues. Check us out online or call our offices in Surprise, AZ, for further inquiries.