Some may confuse working behind a desk with an easy and sophisticated job, while others appreciate these occupations but simply can’t sit on a chair for hours. The truth is that when you choose a career, you must be well aware of the industry in which you intend to work. Desks aren’t for everyone, and that’s just fine. The world needs doctors, astronomers, pilots, and other professionals, too.
If you are a dynamic person or you’re fond of intellectual work, this article may help you choose an occupation.
Hydrology is a job you may not be familiar with because it’s not discussed enough. Yet, hydrologists are crucial to the environment. They collect soil and water samples to test for properties like pollution levels and pH. The data analysed is often used to measure the environmental impact of erosion, pollution, drought and other issues.
This occupation involves the following duties:
- Water’s movement across and through the ground
- Properties of bodies of water, like the stream flow and volume
- How groundwater levels and river flows are impacted by precipitation
- How groundwater and surface water evaporate into the atmosphere and into oceans.
If you become a hydrologist, you’ll learn how water influences the environment and how drought or pollution impacts water quantity and quality. You’ll work to discover ways to fix issues related to water, such as helping the communities who struggle with water scarcity.
Hydrology is a job you may not be familiar with because it’s not discussed enough. Yet, hydrologists are crucial to the environment. They collect soil and water samples to test for properties like pollution levels and pH. The data analysed is often used to measure the environmental impact of erosion, pollution, drought and other issues.
Depending on the place where you want to work, you might need a bachelor’s or master’s degree to prove you’re trained in fields like physical science or natural resources.
This job is exciting and very satisfying. You can come from all walks of life, and regardless of your educational background, you stand an excellent chance to succeed in becoming a job recruiter. It’s just a matter of knowledge, talent and perseverance; and most of the time, starters don’t need a degree in recruiting. If you’re passionate about helping others find a job or career, you can think of becoming a recruiter.
However, there are tips specialist recruiters in the UK disclose to help people like you become the best version of the recruiter. For example, and it’s quite logical to be so, to help people get a legal job, one must be up-to-date with legal industry changes. The legal job market is now more competitive and dynamic than ever, and since 2000, the legal services sector in the UK has more than doubled in value, reaching nearly 37 billion British pounds in 2022. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the legal services sector did not suffer as much as many other industries, and only the United States exceeded that market size. This is great news for people like you, because you, too, are probably looking for a job, so now you know whom to reach out to, to seek help and advice.

If you become legal, you’ll handle CVs, discuss people’s experiences, find their passions and skills in the legal industry and reach out to employers to present the candidates.
You’ll probably feel happy every time you succeed in connecting two people, and anytime you do this, you fall in love with the rewarding job you have. Yet, don’t forget that connecting the ideal candidate with the right employer is not always easy, but it’s a process that you never stop learning.
Construction Manager
Also called project managers or general contractors, these are the people who supervise and coordinate a building project from beginning to end. They collaborate with engineers, architects and other construction specialists, ensure compliance with safety standards and legal regulations and prepare work timetables and budgets. If you want to be a construction manager, you must know that you’ll spend most of your time at a construction site or a field office. You’ll need a critical eye and mind to measure progress effectively and make quick and sound decisions about construction activities.
There are many ways you can enter this occupation, but keep in mind that it’s becoming increasingly crucial for project managers to have a bachelor’s degree in construction (construction science or management, architecture, engineering). The more diplomas you have and the more experience and recognition you accumulate, the higher your success.
Many people choose this career out of love for children. It’s not surprising: some people find their passion in saving innocent and pure souls early in their lives, and others, as they age.
If you like kids but don’t want to be a teacher, maybe you should consider this career. Pay attention; you shouldn’t enrol in a medical school for money; instead, take this job seriously.
Providing care for children, treating minor injuries and common illnesses, handling problems specific to the development of young people and administering vaccinations are on the duty list of a paediatrician. It’s safe to say that it’s a very rewarding job, because if you’re a nice paediatrician and help kids overcome their fear of doctors, you’ll see it’s like a gift that keeps giving.
Also called project managers or general contractors, these are the people who supervise and coordinate a building project from beginning to end. They collaborate with engineers, architects and other construction specialists, ensure compliance with safety standards and legal regulations and prepare work timetables and budgets.
To pursue this career, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree and a medical school degree. These might take several years to complete, and internship and residency practices usually follow the school, but details depend on the country.
If you’re an empathetic person who doesn’t run away from syringes and blood, you may consider being a healthcare worker. These workers administer drugs to diminish or remove the pain patients feel during medical procedures like operations. Therefore, should you become an anesthesiologist, you’ll be responsible for adjusting the amount of anaesthesia the patient needs and monitoring his breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature.

Outside the operating room, you might have the duty to provide pain relief for patients in the intensive care unit, patients with chronic pain or women in labour.
To be an anaesthesiologist, you need a bachelor’s degree, experience through residency programs and internships, and a medical school degree.
It’s understandable that you’re looking for a new job if your daily activities don’t satisfy your thirst for knowledge. And if you aren’t yet employed but know that performing repetitive tasks isn’t for you, you should look for a job that allows for more body and mind stimulation.
There are many other amazing jobs out there, so why limit yourself to a career you don’t adore?