Dental veneers are cosmetic devices attached to the front surface of your teeth to improve your appearance and smile. They can be made from porcelain or resin composite materials and customised to fit your teeth perfectly. Hawthorne, CA general and cosmetic dentistry mainly involve fixing veneers on your front teeth to restore your smile. Veneers are thin shells resembling your natural teeth’ colour, making them unnoticeable.
Dental veneers can also address issues like teeth chipping, discoloured teeth, wide gaps, unevenly shaped teeth, broken teeth, and cracked teeth. They have a long life span of about ten to fifteen years, but you need to observe various tips to maintain them. These tips include:
Keep your veneers clean
It would be best to care for your veneers as you do for your natural teeth. Ensure you brush twice daily and at least once floss once per day. Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum infections, making them recede, exposing veneer borders, and leading them to chip or detach. Ensure you brush with fluoride toothpaste which adds various benefits to your mouth. Take two minutes to brush your teeth to ensure you have enough time to clean all your teeth and veneers.
Use the correct toothpaste
Some kinds of toothpaste contain too abrasive components to your teeth and veneers. Avoid toothpaste with ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide or sodium carbonate. These elements can corrode the top surface of your shells, leading them to lose their color and sheen. Losing their colour can make them noticeable, destroying your smile. Your dentist can help you choose the best cleaning agents suitable for your veneers.
Avoid biting complex objects
Although veneers are durable, they are not invincible says the dentists in Worcester MA. Biting complex objects like metal caps and glass bottles can destroy your teeth and shells. These objects can crack or chip your veneers. Avoid bad habits of chewing random materials like pencils, pens, or ice which can reduce the lifespan of your veneers. Also, do not chew popcorn kernels and hard candies as they can chip dental veneers.
Visit your dentist every six months
Get a professional dental cleaning and oral examination every six months to maintain your oral health. According to the best dentist in Denison, brushing and flossing every day is not enough to keep your veneers clean. You might brush and floss daily, but debris may hide between your gums and teeth. A professional tooth cleaning helps to scrape away plaque and tartar, which cannot be removed by routine brushing and flossing. Your dentist will also closely monitor your veneers for any damages and ensure they function appropriately.
Avoid grinding your teeth
Bruxism, a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth while sleeping, can cause stress on your veneers leading to their destruction. It is also harmful to your natural teeth and jaw joints and may lead to severe complications in your mouth. Ensure you seek immediate medical attention if you develop bruxism. In addition, your dentist can recommend a nighttime mouthguard that you wear while you sleep to protect your teeth and veneers.
Dental veneers will last longer if you maintain oral hygiene. Ensure you brush and floss daily to prevent cavities and gum diseases. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Hoang, DMD, for dental veneers to restore your smile.