When was the last time you took your child for a medical checkup? You will be shocked to discover that parents rarely do this because some think checkups are for senior citizens. Though older people tend to get sick a lot, children too can get afflicted by certain diseases. If the thought of your child getting measles or tetanus scares you, then why not take your child for Bastrop well child exams?
Once you take them for the exam, the doctor will perform various services. What are they, you may ask? Here are the duties they perform below.
They Provide Immunizations
Some parents do not immunize their children because they find it hard to keep up with immunization schedules. However, if they do not vaccinate their child, they could risk contracting childhood diseases such as tetanus, polio, and diphtheria. To make things worse, they may spread these illnesses to other children.
Fortunately, doctors are always ready to provide detailed information about vaccines. That means you will know the exact time to take your child for immunization without struggling to understand the schedule by yourself.
They Establish Healthy Habits for Children
More than ever, American children have become heavier thanks to their dietary habits. That happens when they eat foods high in sugar and fat. Besides eating poorly, some adopt sedentary lifestyles by watching cartoons or playing video games. If parents are not careful, they may get cancer, heart disease, and obesity.
Your doctor will therefore ask the parent to pay attention to the foods they are serving their kids. Next, they will tell you which healthy foods to eat instead. Lastly, they will encourage you to allow the child to play outside to maintain a healthy weight.
They Conduct Sports Physicals for Children
Children tend to be active in sports, which means there are certain problems they are likely to face. If your child constantly has asthma attacks while playing, it may mean their medication is no longer effective. That means the doctor will find potent drugs for their condition.
Additionally, doctors check certain things in children, such as their blood pressure, vision, body mass index (BMI), and heart rates. These tests help to confirm that they are in a good position to play.
They Assess Children’s Mental Health
Does your child constantly avoid social interactions, hurt themselves or display drastic mood changes? If so, they may have an undiagnosed mental disorder. Once you take your child for the exam, your doctor will try to establish what mental condition they suffer from.
Before they diagnose the child, they will ask them questions about how they cope around family, friends, and schoolmates. Based on the kid’s responses, they can identify how severe their mental health is.
They Counsel the Child
A good sign your child needs counseling is when they exhibit behavioral problems at home and school. These issues include arguing too much or being overly anxious.
Children who do not get counseling may resort to destructive habits like drug abuse. Doctors, therefore, try to get children to cope with or avoid stressors.
Children may seem unlikely to suffer from any problem, but after reading this, you now have a different perspective. Whenever you can, take them for as many tests as possible. Remember, as a parent, you have to be responsible for their well-being. If not, you could spend a lot of money on their hospital bills or burial. Since these are issues we do not want children to face, make it a habit to take them for the exams.