There are moments when foot or ankle pain feels like it will subside, and other times where it utterly paralyzes you, leaving you with terrible experiences. Such concerns always happen, especially if you have had an injury or deal with chronic conditions like arthritis. Sometimes, simple tasks like walking, running, sitting, and even sleeping might become uncomfortable, but does that mean you should see a foot and ankle surgeon? In this post, podiatric specialist Dr. Jeffrey E. McAlister outlines some common signs you may need foot and ankle surgery to alleviate your concerns. Read on to find out more!
Persistent or Worsening Pain
Foot and ankle trauma usually heal slowly with time. This recovery usually necessitates getting sufficient rest and refraining from excessive exercise. Nonetheless, if the discomfort does not seem to subside, you might be on the waitlist to visit a foot and ankle surgeon.
Lack of Relief
Walking aids and medications are sometimes prescribed to alleviate some of the foot and ankle pain. These techniques, unfortunately, are not always as efficient as they ought to be. Whenever you are in a situation where your pain is getting worse and there is no way to get relief, you should arrange a visit to a foot and ankle surgeon as soon as possible.
Mobility Issues
As a young person, you might assume that a mild ache or pain in your feet or ankles is no bother. However, you start to pay more attention to these aches and pains as you grow older. If your mobility is being hampered by foot or ankle discomfort, you may require surgery. If left untreated, even the most fundamental movements will become more difficult for you to accomplish.
Pain Disrupts Sleep
Numerous folks believe relieving pressure and resting the foot and ankle ease discomfort. On the other hand, the ache can linger and disrupt your sleep. It could be so awful that you cannot sleep because of the pain. If this issue is natural for you, schedule a consultation with a foot and ankle surgeon as soon as feasible.
Pain Is Triggered by The Rain or Cold
Many persons with foot and ankle pain claim that their symptoms intensify or commence during rainy or cold days. The common notion is that whenever the cartilage between the bones in the joints wears down, the nerves become highly sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature. If weather changes prohibit you from living your life and engaging in outdoor activities, talk to a foot and surgeon specialist.
Do not allow a foot and ankle concern to keep you from living your life! While it might not appear to be a significant issue, foot and ankle pain should be taken seriously. Not addressing a foot or ankle concern early puts you at greater risk of worries such as amputation. For this reason, when you observe any of the above mentioned concerns, schedule a consultation with Dr. McAlister to discuss your symptoms and design an individualized care plan. Call the Phoenix or Scottsdale, AZ office or use the online booking tool to start immediately.