Winrmsrv.exe is a background process that users can run immediately after opening Task Manager on their Windows computer. The executable file was developed by Microsoft Corporation and is usually located in C : Windows32 . Nevertheless, many users [1] complained that their firewall blocked the incoming connection of Winrmsrv.exe – it asked for permission to collect information. Since the developer is represented as Microsoft, users are unsure whether the file is legitimate or not.
The truth is, Winrmsrv.exe can be a harmless Trojan horse that exploits the cryptographic knowledge on the affected device as a malware. Users who encounter a firewall request should close the connection immediately. However, if Winrmsrv.exe is already running in the background and causing system slowdowns or other problems, you should take your time and make sure the file is not associated with malware.
Is it safe to run Winrmsrv.exe? Is it viruses or malware?
Check the location of this executable file to determine if it is legitimate software or a virus. The location of this file and the hazard warning :
File location / archiving : 81% Danger
To check the legitimacy of an executable file, you can launch the Task Manager. Then click on a column and add a verified participant as one of the columns.
Now look at the signature verification value for the winrmsrv.exe process. If it says it’s not available, it’s probably a virus.
January 2021 Updated:
We now recommend that you use this tool to correct the error. The tool also corrects common computer errors, protects against file loss, malware and hardware failures, and optimizes your PC for optimal performance. With this software, you can quickly solve IT problems and prevent others from suffering:
- Step 1 : Download the PC Repair and Optimization Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
- Step 2 : Click on the Start scan button to detect problems in the Windows registry that may cause PC problems.
- Step 3 : Click the Fix All button to fix all issues.
- Filename: winrmsrv.exe
- Software Developer : Microsoft
- File location: 81% uncertainty
- Software : Microsoft Windows operating system
How is winrmsrv.exe distributed?
Winrmsrv.exe as a malicious object is never selected by users, and this type of threat often infiltrates target computers via some free or shared installation packages, whether by visiting malicious websites or not. In all these cases, users are never notified of malicious conditions before communicating/installing with each other. However, once they experience problems accessing their system, they justify it by saying something is wrong. The system then reports problems. If you are such a victim and are looking for effective measures to solve the problem, we recommend you to read the described recommendations or methods.
To uninstall or remove winrmsrv.exe
To remove winrmsrv.exe from your computer, follow these steps in order. This will remove winrmsrv.exe if it was part of the software installed on your computer.
- If the file is part of the software, it also contains an uninstaller. You can then start the uninstaller, which is located in a directory such as B. C located: Programs> Microsoft> Microsoft Windows operating system> winrmsrv> winrmsrv.exe_uninstall.exe.
- Or the file winrmsrv.exe was installed using the Windows installer and then deleted. Go to System Preferences and open the Software option.
- Then search in the search bar for the name of the program winrmsrv.exe or the Microsoft Windows operating system or try the name of the Microsoft developer.
- Then click on it and select Uninstall a program to remove winrmsrv.exe from your computer. The Microsoft Windows operating software is removed from your computer along with the file winrmsrv.exe.
RECOMMENDED: Click here to diagnose Windows errors and optimize system performance.
CCNA, Web Developer, PC Convenience Store
I am a computer enthusiast and a practicing computer professional. I have years of experience in computer programming, troubleshooting and hardware repair. I specialize in web development and database design. I also have a CCNA certification in network design and troubleshooting.
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